Maxthon Plugins by Fredledingue

Last update: 7th of january 2006

SaveEasyTxt 0.3  Size: 3 Kb

It saves the current webpage as a text file with the predifined options:

-Saves to a default location mentioned in the ini file
-The default name in the "Name" input box is what the user has selected on the webpage.
-This name is already "intelligently" formated to avoid uselessly long names.
-Remove long sequences of blank lines
(Use SaveDatedTxt plugin if you want to add the date to name automaticaly.)

SaveDatedTxt 0.3  Size: 3 Kb

It saves the current webpage as a text file with the predifined options:

-Save to a default location mentioned in the ini file
-The default name in the "Name" input box is what the user has selected on the webpage.
-This name is already "intelligently" formated to avoid uselessly long names.
-The date is added automaticaly to the beginning of the name like this: yy_mm_dd_filename.txt. No need to type the date in the filename.
-Remove long sequences of blank lines
(Use EasySaveTxt plugin if you don't want to add the date.)

SaveToWardrobe 0.4 Beta  Size: 30 Kb

>Experimental release.

SaveToWardrobe is a plugin for Maxthon used to save complete web pages (with pictures and everything) in another fashion.

While saving, it stores the attached files to a unique folder (set in the ini file). Doing this it avoids duplicate files and the creation of _files folders.
It works as a separate process, avoid browser freeze and won't popup "This page could not be saved." errors.
It allows many options such as removing scripts from your saved web pages. It also tries to fix links, flags, and other things.

More info on the Save To Wardrobe Homepage.


See also HTAsoft's homepage
Maxthon Plugins  and  Installed Files Checker  and W98SE Post uSP3 Updates  and BigOpenBox for w98  and Aviutl's tutorial